Best travel rod yet!
Simply THE perfect little 6-piece pack rod, with one exception...can you guess? Yes, the color! Don't get me wrong, it's beautiful to look at, but do you really want a bright red rod when fly fishing a mountain brook? Maybe someone did some research and determined trout can't see red and yellow! I would have preferred a camo green or black rod, but maybe that's just me. I purchased this rod, sight unseen, from my favorite online fly fishing shop, the Platte River Fly Shop . I happen to live in Arizona. I've taken it up for one backpack trip to the West Fork Little Colorado (Mt Baldy Wilderness area) here in AZ. What a perfect action this rod has! The designers nailed it. It now has mojo...I won't say which fish breed or how many or where exactly, but I will say that I prefer it to my two $650+ Sage Dart rods and my custom Sage 376-3 Sonic (maybe that one is a tie). I'm looking forward to some Uinta trips and a trip to the Winds in Wyoming. Wow, even with the color, 5 stars!